Publisher: Vision Libros, 282 pages

When the Temple – the house in which God lives in perceptibility on earth – is on fire, when the world under the sway of the Kingdom of Israel collapses and is succeeded by the world under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, the priests mount on the roof of that wondrous sanctuary on earth. They have the keys of the houe in their hands and cry: “Lord of the world, since we can no longer fulfil our task in this house, take Thou the keys into Thy hands again”.

Roots of the Bible

An Ancient View for a New Outlook

Publisher Angelico Press, 540 páginas

Friedrich Weinreb (1910–1988) was an exceptional figure in twentieth-century Judaism. His path-breaking book Roots of the Bible: An Ancient View For a New Vision opens the depths of the “word-hoard” of Jewish wisdom. He taps, as a source of inspiration for our present world, “the sacred oral teaching” preserved for millennia in scholarly redoubts remote from the ways of the world. He left behind an extensive body of work, in which often astonishing connections can be found between the Biblical worldview and that of today. When it first appeared in Dutch in 1963, this book heralded the veritable rediscovery of a foundational stratum of the Hebrew Bible.

Hebrew Astrology

… of Friedrich W.

Publisher Books on Demand, 232 pages

Some basic aspects of the Ancient Wisdom have to be established first, before it can be spoken of the actual Astrology. Namely the three principles we can call:  the “Male-Female-Antagonism bearing the fruit”, the “2-to-1 Journey of creation through mankind” and the “1-4 Principle” as the inner structure pf salvation.

Books in Dutch

Antwoord aan Jung

Publisher: Vision Libros, 178 pages.

Elke wetenschap zoekt naar een model voor haar discipline. Maar voor menswetenschappen, zoals psychologie ligt dat moeilijk.

Hiervoor een model te construeren is voor de psycholoog een onmogelijke opgave, daar hij in dit geval tegelijkertijd subject en object is.